Frequently Asked Questions About NZHL

How many offices and staff does NZHL have?
NZHL is made up of close to 300 people, including around 70 offices owned and operated by ‘Passionately Kiwi’ local business owners and their associated staff.
When was NZHL founded and who started it?
NZHL was founded by Hamilton businessmen John Erkkila and Murray Ferguson in 1996, with a view that there had to be a better financial way for New Zealanders to get ahead and beat the traditional banking system, while also ensuring sufficient insurance protection.
Who owns NZHL today?

NZHL is a Government owned subsidiary of Kiwi Group Holdings (KGH), who is also the parent company of Kiwibank.

How much has NZHL saved their clients in interest costs?
NZHL saves it’s clients tens of millions of dollars in interest costs every year.
What is DebtNav?

DebtNav is NZHL’s unique and visual online tool, that allows you to plan, monitor and review your progress towards financial freedom, faster. By adding in goals like a car, holiday or even an investment property, you can see what impact that has on your finances and end goals and make informed decisions around timing and purchase.

See how much you could save on your mortgage with our home loan comparison calculator.