Meet Aimee, your local adviser
Like most of our Team, Aimee joined New Zealand Home Loans as a Client Servicing Consultant after becoming a NZHL Client.
Aimee had previously had a mortgage and less than satisfactory service from the bank so coming on board with NZHL was a breath of fresh air. The service and ongoing care received by Aimee and her Husband from their NBC and dedicated CSC was above and beyond anything they expected. Being able to achieve their financial goals and become debt free faster was just the icing on the cake.
Aimee had succeeded in her previous roles building strong relationships and providing Client Care and Service, so she knew without a doubt from her own personal experience that becoming a CSC at NZHL was the next step for her.
Aimee went on Maternity Leave after the September Earthquake in 2010 to start her family. Ten years, two boys, two Ginger Ninjas, a wedding and plenty of house moves (including a couple of family home builds) in between, her 10-year Maternity Leave has come to an end and she is excited to be back on board with the Christchurch Office.
She looks forward to meeting the Christchurch Clients and helping them to achieve their financial goals and become debt-free faster.
My disclosure statement is available upon request by emailing me.
Financial Freedom. Faster.
Physical Address:
Billens Building, Suite 7, 177 High Street, Central City, Christchurch
Phone: 03 335 3598
Mobile: 021 290 0324
Email: [email protected]
Get in touch with Aimee
Compare how much NZHL could save you on your mortgage
Calculate how much you could save in time and interest if you switched your mortgage to NZHL.