Are You Considering Switching Your Mortgage? NZHL Can Help

Changing your mortgage provider might seem like “unnecessary admin” but getting it right could save you time, money, and help you achieve financial freedom faster.

This is where the personalised local service that New Zealand Home Loans (NZHL) is known for also comes in to play.

Why would I bother switching?

Switching your mortgage—sometimes referred to as “refinancing”—involves moving your home loan to a different provider.

People change mortgage providers for a number of reasons personal to them.

In NZHL’s world, our clients normally come over to:

  • Reduce costs – get ahead and reduce overall home loan costs
  • Hit goals – reset and restructure to achieve key goals
  • Get personalised support / advice – personalised support and financial coaching from a local consultant.

According to NZHL’s 2020 Customer Perception Survey, 78% of clients feel more in control of their finances with NZHL, with the same percentage being very satisfied with the relationship management we offer.

What’s involved?

If you are looking at switching providers, there are certainly things to take into account, like the lifecycle of your loan, break fees, and other clawbacks for benefits provided, but that is genuinely where the personalised service that NZHL offers comes into play. We will work this through with you based on your current situation and what’s best for you.

Will there be paperwork? Yes. Will we make it as simple as possible? Most definitely. Will you benefit in the long run? That’s the plan!

Choose a better approach to your mortgage

With NZHL, switching your mortgage is all about being better off in the long term! We can help you shave years off your mortgage with continuous coaching and tools designed to help you achieve financial freedom faster, not keep you trapped in a lengthy cycle of ongoing payments. See how much you could save by switching to NZHL today!