Our Timaru Mortgage Advisors

Reach financial freedom, faster with a trusted NZHL Mortgage Mentor on your side.


Long-time business owners Richard and Sue Hopkins are passionate about partnering with their clients on their journey to financial freedom. Whether it's your first home, second, or a rental the team offers personalised advice to help you take control of… Read More

Long-time business owners Richard and Sue Hopkins are passionate about partnering with their clients on their journey to financial freedom. Whether it's your first home, second, or a rental the team offers personalised advice to help you take control of your finances and ensure your money is working best for you.

Their offices are based in Timaru, Papanui, Ashburton and the team supports those in and the West Coast regions.

Office Contact Information

Our Team

Richard Hopkins

Business Owner

Mobile: 021 767 639

Email: [email protected]

Having worked as a General Manager for the Smiths City Group, and then running More FM in Christchurch for a stint he thought it time to jump into….

Sue Hopkins

Business Owner

Phone: 03 471 9533

Mobile: 021 878 640

Email: [email protected]

Sue started as a Consultant at the beginning of 2008 and completed her internship in that same year, progressing to Business Owner 18 months later. Sue loves helping….

Tania Sheridan

New Business Consultant

Mobile: 021 959 813

Email: [email protected]

Tania started working at NZHL at the beginning of 2023, with 15 years of banking experience. Tania believes that NZHL has a strong message, and because of this,….

Alexandra Hopkins

Client Servicing Consultant

Mobile: 021 288 3554

Email: [email protected]

When I was in high school, I worked a number of part-time jobs to save up a deposit to purchase my first house. When I left high school,….

Tash Rankin

New Business Consultant (Trainee)

Mobile: 021 902 501

Email: [email protected]

Tash is new to the financial services industry, but she brings a wealth of experience, from her personal and professional background, including her work in the farming and….

Get in touch with the Timaru Team

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More Mortgage Mentors in Canterbury

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