Protect yourself and your financial freedom with NZHL

Insurance with NZHL is all about sensible protection tailored around you, your income and your obligations. Your consultant will step through the options best suited to your needs.

Shield icon representing life insurance


Life insurance could offer crucial financial support in the unfortunate event of death or terminal illness. It’s about protecting those you may leave behind.

Shield icon representing health


From medical procedures to rehabilitation assistance, health insurance is there to help you continue to live your life with as little disruption as possible.

Shield icon representing income insurance


Your biggest asset over your lifetime is your earning ability. How long could you and your family survive without an income?

Shield icon with a house inside

House, Car
and Contents Insurance

Let NZHL help you protect your precious property outside and in.

Shield icon representing life insurance


Life insurance could offer crucial financial support in the unfortunate event of death or terminal illness. It’s about protecting those you may leave behind.

Shield icon representing health


From medical procedures to rehabilitation assistance, health insurance is there to help you continue to live your life with as little disruption as possible.

Shield icon representing income insurance


Your biggest asset over your lifetime is your earning ability. How long could you and your family survive without an income?

Shield icon with a house inside

House, Car
and Contents Insurance

Let NZHL help you protect your precious property outside and in.

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Talk to us today about your insurance needs.